Boy does time fly.  I can’t believe another year is upon us.  I was ready.  But then again…I wasn’t ready.

I know we’re only a few weeks into 2018, but it’s been a bit of an uneasy start.  Normally, I can hardly wait for the clock to strike midnight on January 1st.  But this year, I just felt…blah.   I wasn’t as excited for the new year as I usually am.  Yet again, I wasn’t unexcited either.

I was just…blah.

My usual feelings of hope and encouragement were strangely missing, and instead, I was left to feel a bit down, and a tad nervous.


You see, it’s an even year and for me, my track record during even-numbered years is not great.  Case in point, 2016 was one of the worst years of my life – I’m still talking about it in therapy.  Yet, I can honestly state that 2017 was not a bad year.  In my standards, it was actually pretty good.  So what does that mean for 2018?  Is it possible to have two pretty good years in a row?

All signs point to doubtful.

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