I know…the title sounds like a Lifetime movie.  I guess that’s strangely appropriate, as my life kind of turned into one last year.  It didn’t entirely have the normal Lifetime premise.  You know the one I’m talking about:

Girl meets boy.

Girl falls in love with boy.

Girl marries boy.

Girl discovers boy is a psycho serial killer who has murdered his 12 wives prior.

Girl tells everyone who will listen boy is a murderous scumbag – nobody believes her.

Girl is held hostage by boy in a log cabin in the stormy woods without heat or electricity.

Girl eventually escapes boy by killing him with a fireplace poker.

Girl stands crying in the rain as the screen slowly fades to black.

Okay, so my story is not quite that dramatic, and I don’t think Tori Spelling is lining up to play me anytime soon.  But, I am a girl who did overcome some serious life-changing shit, so I think that automatically qualifies me as a Lifetime heroine…ironically, without having a serious addition to heroin.  And without an eating disorder.  And without an abusive relationship.  Other than the one I was in with myself.

And the opening credits roll…

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