What Is Age Appropriate?

Not only is it a part of the tagline of this very blog, but it’s also a question I ask myself every day…when I’m looking in the mirror…rummaging through my closet…putting on my makeup…watching any franchise of the Real Housewives…  Lately, this subject matter always seems to be on my mind.

It has a very simple definition:

Age Appropriate:  Suitable for a particular age or age group.

But in today’s world, the translation of this “catchphrase” is lost on many, and I’m not just talking about bravolebrities.

So, what the hell is age appropriate?  And at what age do we need to start acting appropriately?

I don’t think anyone has ever labeled me as inappropriate, and I don’t consider myself to be a prude.  However, shortly after I turned forty, my view of myself and how I acted certainly changed.  They say “forty is the new twenty”…whoever they are.  But for me, I jumped ahead in years, making my forty the new seventy.  (Yes, apparently, I age in Dog Years.)

Suddenly, I covered up and stopped going out as much.  The heels on my shoes became lower, my neckline became higher, my shirts became baggier, and my social life became as exciting to as the last season of The Bachelorette(Yawn!)  Of course, my significant weight gain, massive stress and bout of depression may have played a role.  But, like with everything in my life…

I blame turning forty.

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